Business Model Patterns

The Business Patterns project aims to define basic patterns that support the comprehension and design of business models. Given the multiple interpretations and definitions that guide the construction of a business model, we propose a new approach that allows a simple design based on four core processes along with a special notation. By using it, is possible to represent a wide variety of business models without losing the structural and behavioral elements key to understand the way in which a business transforms, delivers and monetizes value.


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María Camila Romero

A New Approach on Business Models

In order to adequately define a business model it is important to consider two main dimensions: its structure and its behavior. Typically, a business model is understood as the way in which a business transforms, delivers and monetizes value. Its structure considers its building blocks (activities, participants, resources and related elements) and the relations among them. Its behavior is determined by the order in which activities are performed, and the interactions that emerge as relationships are established.

The variety of business models that can be found, along with the multiple definitions of the business model concept, have added complexity to its study. Therefore, it is important to establish the main components of a business model and the way in which it should be analyzed in order to fully understand how the business works.

The Four Core Processes

Recalling the traditional view on business models, it is possible to decompose it into four main processes described as follows:

  • Supply: Contemplates the activities, participants and resources needed to obtain supplies to produce/provide the desired product/service.
  • Transform: Relates to the activities, participants and resources associated to the production of goods or provision of services.
  • Deliver: Associates with the activities, participants and resources involved in the distribution of the product or service until it reaches the final client.
  • Monetize: Groups the activities, participants and resources key to exchange products and services for money.

Notation Overview

In order to represent the business model and its structural and behavioral view, it is important to establish a notation that fully contemplates the different elements that compose the business model. As the approach states, the latter can be understood under a four core process view. Therefore, it is necessary that the notation is able to show the mail building blocks that compose the processes and the overall model.

Given these needs, five building blocks were designed to achieve the expected level of expressiveness. The resulting notation is presented below.


Description of meta-model MM1

A Catalog of Business Patterns

An overview of the languages proposed

Supply Patterns

Delivery Patterns



wpatterns.txt · Última modificación: 2016/02/17 12:36 por mc.romero578
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de los Andes
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