Automatic Analysis Methods

ApplicationComponent Availability

Application components are hosted in one or several devices. Then, one application component can be affected if one or several devices that support it are offline. This analysis method intends to calculate the availability of all application components based on the availability of the devices that support it. The ArchiMate metamodel must be extended including the following attributes:

  1. availability with the type Double in the concept ApplicationComponent
  2. availability with the type Double in the concept Device, where the value must be between 0 and 1.

This analysis method requires that the modeler sets the value of the attribute availability in the concept Device. As a result, once the analysis method is executed, it enriches the model because new information is automatically added in the elements that conforms to the concept ApplicationComponent.

Next figure presents a small part of one EA model. This model contains some elements that conform to the ArchiMate concept ApplicationComponent and some other elements that conform to the ArchiMate concept Device, which includes values on the attribute availability. After executing the algorithm of the analysis method, the model includes the correspondent information related with the availability on the elements that represents the application components.

BusinessProcess Fault Susceptibility

Business processes are commonly supported by several application components. Thus, the correct functionality of the processes has a direct dependency with all application components that support each process. The analyst requires to determine the fault susceptibility of the business processes of the enterprise based on the availability of the software that supports each business process. Consequently, the ArchiMate metamodel must be extended including the following attributes:

  1. faultSusceptibility with the type Double in the concept BusinessProcess
  2. availability with the type Double in the concept SystemSoftware, where the value must be between 0 and 1.

This analysis method requires that the modeler sets the value of the attribute availability or the attribute has been calculated through another analysis method. As a result, this analysis method enriches the model because new information is automatically added in the elements that conforms to the concept BusinessProcess.

Next figure presents a small part of one EA model. This model contains some elements that conform to the ArchiMate concept BusinessProcess and some other elements that conform to the ArchiMate concept ApplicationComponent, which includes values on the attribute availability. After executing the algorithm of the analysis method, the model includes the correspondent information related with the fault susceptibility on the elements that represents the business processes.

Requirement Impact over Device

Requirements allow stating the needs that must be realized by a technological system. In this case, the analyst requires to determine which devices are impacted or affected by one requirement based on the devices' availability. The requirement establishes the minimum value of availability that the devices must accomplish. The ArchiMate metamodel must be extended including the following attributes:

  1. conditionAttribute with the type String in the concept Requirement
  2. conditionOperation with the type String in the concept Requirement
  3. conditionValue with the type Double in the concept Requirement, where the value must be between 0 and 1
  4. availability with the type Double in the concept Device, where the value must be between 0 and 1.

This analysis method requires that the modeler sets the value of the attribute availability in the concept Device. The analysis method draws new relations named requirementAffects from the requirement to the devices that satisfies the condition provided by the correspondent attributes. This analysis method enriches the model because new relations is automatically added in the elements that conforms to the concept Requirement.

Next figure presents a small part of one EA model. This model contains some elements that conform to the ArchiMate concept Device, which includes values on the attribute availability and one element that conforms to the ArchiMate concept Requirement, which includes the values:

  1. availability in the attribute conditionAttribute
  2. lessThan in the attribute conditionOperation
  3. 0.95 in the attribute conditionValue.

After executing the algorithm of the analysis method, the model draws in red the calculated relations.

iarchimate_analysismethods.txt · Última modificación: 2014/05/08 09:58 por ha.florez39
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de los Andes
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