
GraCoT (Graphical Co-creation Tool) is a graphical tool designed to manipulate one model with the correspondent metamodel in both ways. Using GraCoT it is possible to avoid conformance problems over the model that metamodel manipulation implies. This metamodel in this project is called domain metamodel because contains the information about the reality.

GraCoT validates the ontological conformance of the model respect to a domain metamodel indicated, and provides several solutions to the identified problems through user assistance. On the other hand, GraCoT validates linguistic features to guarantee the correct structure of the model.

Another important characteristic of GraCoT is the capability of modifying the domain metamodel since the problems detected in the model.


Name Email
Paola Andrea Gomez Barreto

Graphical Co-creation Tool


Eclipse and prerequisites for GraCoT

GraCoT plug-in

Eclipse and GraCoT

This eclipse is ready to use: Download Eclipse with GraCoT

Technical Reports

gracot.txt · Última modificación: 2013/05/02 08:49 por pa.gomez398
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de los Andes
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