
ArchiAnalysis is a tool embodied within an analysis framework. This tool was designed as an add-in for Archi; nevertheless, the framework is based on EMF1) (Eclipse Modeling Framework) allowing it, under certain requirements, be expanded into other EMF-based tools. In addition, ArchiAnalysis applies the plug-in approach described by Clayberg2) in order to enable the extension of new analysis functions with few efforts..


Name Email
Andres Mauricio Ramos Bonilla am.ramos260@uniandes.edu.co
Hector Arturo Florez Fernandez ha.florez39@uniandes.edu.co

ArchiAnalysis and Framework

Analysis function dimension

Dimension is inspired in Lankhorst3), who proposes classifying a function into one of the four dimensions: quantitative, functional, simulation or simulation.

Dimension Definition e.g.
Analytical In contrast to simulation, these are not of a statistical nature, but provide a unique, reproducible result. Analytical techniques for quantitative analysis are typically more efficient than quantitative simulation, and therefore more suitable for providing the architect with a first indication of performance measures and bottlenecks in an architecture model what if, Buy or build?
Simulation can be seen as the ‘execution’ of a model. Functional simulation and animation are useful to illustrate the dynamic behaviour of a system. The aim of functional simulation is to gain insight into the properties and behaviour of an architecture. Architects can ‘play’ with the architecture and see how it works, feels, looks, can be adapted to certain changes, etc. Quantitative simulation is used to make statistical statements about the quantitative measures of a system based on multiple simulation runs. It can be seen as performing ‘measurements’ in a model. simulation and animation
Quantitative Answer quantitative questions, like ‘how quick’ or ‘how cheap’. Quantitative analysis can serve several purposes. In the first place it is often used for the optimisation of, for example, processes or systems, by quantifying the effect of alternative design choices. Similarly, it can be used to obtain measures to support impact-of-change analysis: performance and costs
Functional Is performed to gain insight into the functional aspects of an architecture. Among others, it is used to understand how a system that conforms to an architecture works, to find the impact of a change on an architecture, or to validate the correctness of an architecture. structural and dynamic properties

Analysis function catalog

Analysis function only defined (53) Analysis function totally characterised (16) Analysis function Characterized & Implemented (7)

Dimension Type Id Name
Quantitative Performance QPR001 Infrastructure services workload
QPR002 Application services processing and response time
QPR003 Application services utilization
Optimization QOP001 Estimate process efficiency based on resources usage
QOP002 Estimate process effectiveness
Impact of change QIC001 Modify (increase/decrease) Infrastructure resources
QIC002 Modify (increase/decrease) Network resources
QIC003 Modify (increase/decrease) threads of a service / application (concurrency)
QIC004 Modify (increase/decrease) quantity of actors in a process/activity
QIC005 Modify (increase/decrease) quantity of users, license implications
Capacity planning QCP001 Estimate overall solution architecture storage volumetric
QCP002 Estimate overall solution architecture network volumetrics
QCP003 Estimate number of servers required to support operation
Cost QCT001 Overall architecture Cost
QCT002 Overall architecture Cost/Benefit
QCT003 Overall architecture ROI
QCT004 Overall architecture required portfolio
Availability QAV001 Estimate overall architecture availability %
QAV002 Estimate overall architecture RTO
QAV003 Estimate overall architecture RPO
Trade-off QTO001 Application service Performance vs Flexibility
QTO002 Application service Performance vs Security
QTO003 Application interface Performance vs Flexibility
QTO004 Application interface Performance vs Security
QTO005 Application component Performance vs Flexibility
QTO006 Application component Performance vs Security
QTO007 Data Access Performance vs Flexibility
QTO008 Data Access Performance vs Security
QTO009 Overall process Performance vs Flexibility
QTO010 Overall process Performance vs Security
HR QHR001 Human Resource workload at business process level
QHR002 Human Resource capacity requirements at business process level
QHR003 How many processes are supported by role
QHR004 How many roles by business process or business function have only one accountable actor
QHR005 Human resources capacity planning
Impact of change FIC001 Impact of removing elements
FIC002 Impact of removing a relation between two elements
Alignment FAG001 Business-Application Alignment
FAG002 Business-Technology Alignment
FAG003 Application-Technology Alignment
Coherence FCH001 Every business active structure has at less one direct/derived assignment
FCH002 Every business process realizes as less one business service
FCH003 Every application component uses a Infrastructure service or is deployed in one node/device
FCH004 Every application service is used at less in one business process
Correctness FCO001 Data security compliance at transport level
FCO002 Data security compliance at persistency level
FCO003 Business layer single point of fail
FCO004 Application layer single point of fail
FCO005 Technology layer single point of fail
FCO006 Overall architecture single point of fail
FCO007 Integration protocols compatibility at application service level
FCO008 Communication and transport protocols compatibility at technology level
Conformance FCF001 Metamodel conformance
FCF002 Reference architecture conformance at Data/Information level
FCF003 Reference architecture conformance at Application level
FCF004 Reference architecture conformance at Application-Integration level
FCF005 Reference architecture conformance at Technology level
Gap FGP001 Business process Gap Analysis
FGP002 Data/Information Architecture GAP Analysis
FGP003 Application Architecture GAP Analysis
FGP004 Application-Integration Architecture GAP Analysis
FGP005 Technology Architecture GAP Analysis
Graph structure FGR001 Circular reference
FGR002 Derived associations
FGR003 Element depth by typed relations
FGR004 Minimum spanning tree
FGR005 Shortest path by typed relations
FGR006 Element dependency
Counting FCN001 Counting of elements by types
FCN002 Counting of relationships by types
Process FPR001 Data/Information vs Application
FPR002 Data/Information vs Process
FPR003 Process responsibility assignment 
HR FHR001 Business layer passive elements RACI matrix
FHR002 Application layer passive elements RACI matrix
FHR003 Technology layer passive elements RACI matrix
1) Steinberg, D., Budinsky, F., Merks, E., & Paternostro, M.: EMF:Eclipse Modeling Framework, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley. (2009)
2) Clayberg, E., Eric. Clayberg, & Rubel, D.: Eclipse Plug-ins. Addison-Wesley, 3rd ed. (2008)
3) Lankhorst, M.: Enterprise architecture at work: Modelling, communication and analysis. Springer. (2013)
archianalysis.txt · Última modificación: 2016/05/10 09:18 por ha.florez39
Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación - Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de los Andes
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