ArchiAnalysis is a tool embodied within an analysis framework. This tool was designed as an add-in for Archi; nevertheless, the framework is based on EMF1) (Eclipse Modeling Framework) allowing it, under certain requirements, be expanded into other EMF-based tools. In addition, ArchiAnalysis applies the plug-in approach described by Clayberg2) in order to enable the extension of new analysis functions with few efforts..
Name | |
Andres Mauricio Ramos Bonilla | |
Hector Arturo Florez Fernandez | |
Dimension is inspired in Lankhorst3), who proposes classifying a function into one of the four dimensions: quantitative, functional, simulation or simulation.
Dimension | Definition | e.g. |
Analytical | In contrast to simulation, these are not of a statistical nature, but provide a unique, reproducible result. Analytical techniques for quantitative analysis are typically more efficient than quantitative simulation, and therefore more suitable for providing the architect with a first indication of performance measures and bottlenecks in an architecture model | what if, Buy or build? |
Simulation | can be seen as the ‘execution’ of a model. Functional simulation and animation are useful to illustrate the dynamic behaviour of a system. The aim of functional simulation is to gain insight into the properties and behaviour of an architecture. Architects can ‘play’ with the architecture and see how it works, feels, looks, can be adapted to certain changes, etc. Quantitative simulation is used to make statistical statements about the quantitative measures of a system based on multiple simulation runs. It can be seen as performing ‘measurements’ in a model. | simulation and animation |
Quantitative | Answer quantitative questions, like ‘how quick’ or ‘how cheap’. Quantitative analysis can serve several purposes. In the first place it is often used for the optimisation of, for example, processes or systems, by quantifying the effect of alternative design choices. Similarly, it can be used to obtain measures to support impact-of-change analysis: | performance and costs |
Functional | Is performed to gain insight into the functional aspects of an architecture. Among others, it is used to understand how a system that conforms to an architecture works, to find the impact of a change on an architecture, or to validate the correctness of an architecture. | structural and dynamic properties |
Analysis function only defined (53) Analysis function totally characterised (16) Analysis function Characterized & Implemented (7)